The Best Water-Efficient Appliances

Best Water Efficient Appliances

According to estimates, an average household wastes around 6,300 gallons of water every year. Water conservation not only helps reduce expenses but also protects the environment. With the use of a few basic supplies and tools, one can easily install water-efficient appliances and plumbing fixtures in their homes. These simple changes can have a significant impact on the environment.

At present, an extensive range of fixtures and faucets are available that bear the low-flow label. These devices use less water for everyday activities. It is believed that water-efficient fixtures can reduce water consumption by around 60%.

States like Colorado, California, and Texas are adopting low-flow legislation. It makes the use of water-efficient devices mandatory, and retailers are also banned from selling standard faucets and fixtures. Low-flow technology works seamlessly and is highly effective in reducing water consumption. Please read this article to the end to know more about the use of water-efficient appliances and why it’s important to be more conscious about water conservation (Why Water Conservation Is Important).

Low Flow Toilets Save a Lot of Water

Standard toilets are the biggest water consumers in a household. According to studies conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency, older toilets can consume as much as 6 gallons of water per flush. At the same time, low-flow variants use less than 1.5 gallons per flush. Older versions of low-flow toilets use gravity flow techniques that require less water. However, it fails to produce sufficient pressure to flush the toilet bowl’s contents. Clogs were frequent, and homeowners needed to plunge toilets regularly. Modern-day low-flow toilets offer greater efficiency and are available in two different versions. Some use a streamlined gravity flow design to eliminate clogging, while others make use of pressure-assisted technology to produce a jet-like flush to prevent clogging.

Pressure-Assist Toilet Mechanism

Washrooms in large public places mostly use pressure-assist toilets. After the handle is pressed, water rushes forcefully into the bowl to remove the contents. It features a pressurized water tank to produce water force. These models are also known as jet-flush toilets. Pressure-assist toilets are commonly found in residential complexes and public bathrooms. Smaller versions are now available for domestic purposes.

Gravity Flow Mechanism

Regular gravity flow toilets introduce a large volume of water into the toilet bowl to push the contents of the bowl down into the curved trap underneath. This flushing mechanism works well but uses large volumes of water. Modern gravity flow toilets come with a modified trap layout that uses less water. The new trap design uses a siphoning effect where, once the water starts to rush, it drains continuously without the need for additional water.

Lesser Water Can Also Produce Sufficient Pressure

Homeowners believe that low-flow showerheads (What Is A Low-Flow Showerhead) do not have adequate pressure. But in reality, low-pressure fixtures offer exceptional performance. These fixtures are designed to use less water, but the shower heads provide an energizing blast. There are two main types of water-saving showerheads, namely laminar and aerating. The water pressure is similar to that of traditional showerheads but consumes less water.

Laminar – Laminar showers do not produce sharp needle-like spray-like aerators. Showerheads and faucets with laminar flow distribute the water in the form of large individual streams. Laminar faucets also have an adjustable feature that allows the user to select the spray speed. Laminar technology is also found in rain-type shower heads that give users a soothing effect. These fixtures cannot produce strong steam-like aerating models that make them suitable for small and poorly ventilated washrooms.

Aerating – Aerating fixtures and showerheads force water through small holes on the screen. It adds air to the water stream and produces a fine spray. This technique helps in reducing the total amount of water consumption and also increases the pressure of the water stream. Aerating showerheads can produce a strong stream as the water mixes with the air. 

Low Flow Fixtures Help Save a Considerable Amount of Water and Money

Based on the water usage habits of a household and the number of family members, homeowners can save as much as $170 every year by using low-flow fixtures and faucets. One of the main reasons for encouraging the use of low-flow fixtures is water conservation. More than 70% of the earth is covered in water, but only 3% of the water is not saline. And, only 0.5% of natural water is suitable for regular use. It has become humanity’s responsibility to prevent the waste of water resources. Replacing old faucets and switching to water-efficient appliances can help save huge volumes of water every year.

  • Households can save 700 gallons of water every year by switching to low-flow fixtures.
  • Low-flow showerheads can save up to 4 gallons of water. It will save around 1,400 gallons of water per year per family member.
  • Replacing a standard toilet with a low-flow model can help save 13,000 gallons of water every year.

Rigorous Standards of Low-Flow Fixtures

The Environmental Protection Agency has set high standards for qualifying low-flow fixtures and faucets. Only products that comply with the strict water reduction standards are allowed to be sold on the market. Some manufacturers claim that their water-efficient appliances reduce water use but do not have the WaterSense label. These products are not very efficient and do not effectively reduce water consumption. To qualify as a low-flow fixture, a product must meet the following criteria:

  • Low-flow sink faucets must not consume more than 1.5 gallons of water per minute.
  • Low-flow showerheads should consume a maximum of 2.5 gallons of water per minute.
  • Low-flow toilets should not consume more than 1.5 gallons per flush.

Manufacturers of Low-Flow Faucets, Showerhead, and Toilets Are Continuously Improving Their Products

Manufacturers and designers of low-flow fixtures are continuously improving their products to reduce water wastage. The following are some of the factors that are considered while designing low-flow fixtures for households.

  • To create sufficient pressure in the showerheads, it is best to use models that can be positioned in the holder. Handheld showerheads are suitable for stronger spray right at the spot. Adjustable shower heads use 1.5 gallons of water and also feature spray adjustability.
  • Avoid flushing the toilet twice by using two-button flush toilets. These modern toilets come with two flush buttons. The first one releases around 1.5 gallons for flushing away solid waste. The other button releases 0.9 gallons, perfect for flushing away liquid waste. 
  • Consider adding an aerator to the existing sink faucet to conserve more water. The installation of these water-efficient appliances is very simple and can effectively reduce the water flow. The addition, an aerator can reduce water consumption by 1.5 gallons per minute.

Benefits of Using HighEfficiency Water Fixtures and Faucets 

Homeowners still do not understand the economic advantage of upgrading to low-flow bathroom fixtures. Moreover, the idea of water conservation is not always the priority, and people mostly look for cheaper alternatives. Low-flow faucets and fixtures use a considerably lower volume of water than conventional models. Gradually, low-flow fixtures are becoming popular as homeowners understand the value of water conservation. Manufacturers are now offering an extensive range of water-efficient appliances, showerheads, and toilets to choose from. 

Low-Flow Water-Efficient Showerheads

Conventional showerheads use 2.5 gallons of water every minute which adds up to approximately 11 gallons of water per shower. A low-flow showerhead uses 1.5 gallons of water per minute. The installation process of a low-flow showerhead is very easy. Simply unscrew the old showerhead and screw on the new piece. If there is any rust or mold on the pipe, remove it before installing the new fixture. Households consisting of four members can save around 2,000 gallons of water each year by using a low-flow showerhead. Previously, low-flow showerheads had some issues. But now, these products have evolved significantly and offer seamless performance. 

Shower Timers

Shower timers are compatible with smart technology to keep track of the amount of water in use. These devices can raise the alarm if a person uses excess water in the shower. Simply install the device on the shower pipe, and it will start working.

Automatic Shut-Off Nozzles

Automatic shut-off nozzles are attached between the showerhead and the pipe. They help in shutting the shower in between use. Hence, a lot of water is saved. The temperature of the water also remains the same when the valve is turned on. These devices are also compatible with outside water taps.

Dual-Flush Toilet Converters

Toilets consume the highest volume of water in a house; on average, they account for nearly 30% of the total household water consumption. Installing a dual flush toilet helps in conserving sizeable volumes of water. These toilets release around 0.5 gallons of water to flush liquid waste and around 1.5 gallons for flushing solid waste. Before installing a dual-flush system, turn off the water supply and drain the tank completely. Unscrew the flush valves of the old mechanism and pull it out. Install the new dual-flush system and open the water supply lines.

Low-Flow High-Efficiency Faucet Aerators

Low-flow high-efficiency faucets help in reducing water consumption by several folds. Typically, a conventional faucet is responsible for consuming 15% of the total water consumption. Switching to a low-flow tap can help save more than 500 gallons of water each year. To install a high-efficiency faucet, unscrew the existing aerator and then screw on the new device. These water-efficient appliances can be attached externally or internally as necessary. One can also choose to recycle the old aerator.

Greywater Diverters

Greywater diverters help recycle water from rinsing laundry or showering into a separate vessel. This water is then used for flushing toilets or cleaning the lawn or driveway. Always make use of environment-friendly products to prevent toxic chemicals from mixing with water. 

Tank Bags

It is one of the simplest solutions for cutting down water wastage. These are specially designed inflatable devices that can take up some space within the toilet tank. Likewise, you can also consider placing a brick or bottle filled with water inside the tank. This practice helps in displacing some water, thereby saving water in every flush. With this approach, one need not remember which button to press or change their habits for water conservation.

Soaker Hoses

Households with an outdoor garden or lawn always look for ways to keep them vibrant and aesthetically appealing. The use of drip irrigation systems and soaker hoses releases the water gradually and directly on the plant. This practice helps in reducing water evaporation and runoff. Some hoses come equipped with a timer, as watering plants after sunset helps in reducing evaporation. Note that the use of drip irrigation systems for lawns and outdoor gardens can cut down water use by 50%.

Rainfall Shut-Off Devices

Rainfall shut-off devices connect with the sprinkler system and shut it off when the soil has sufficient moisture. Rainfall shut-off devices are very affordable and easy to install. Water-based irrigation systems are also gaining popularity as effective water conservation devices. 

Rainwater Tanks

A rain barrel or a rainwater tank is used to store water that drains off roofs. Homeowners can use this water for their flower beds or lawns. Installation of a rain barrel is very simple. You just need to remove the existing downspout and then connect the rubber using to the gutter opening. Another end of the hose is placed inside the opening in the lid of the collection vessel. People can also make their DIY rainwater barrels out of old plastic containers.

Difference Between Water Conservation and Efficiency

Water conservation and efficiency are two different terms that sound the same, as both have the same goal of using less water. But, the approach of both techniques is altogether different.

  • Water Efficiency: This term can be defined as minimizing the volume of water to accomplish a particular task. For example, while flushing a toilet, water efficiency is usually dependent on well-engineered appliances and fixtures to help reduce the overall water consumption. Look for ENERGY STAR rated appliances to help conserve water
  • Water Conservation: This is a process to reduce water loss and wastage. It includes different policies and programs to make people aware and change their habits to use less water. The ultimate goal is to use only the required amount of water. For example, many of us have a habit of letting the tap’s water flow when we are brushing our teeth or shaving. Water conservation helps us to understand the need for water and educates us to avoid any water wastage


Water conservation is not very difficult if we all take the right measures. Some reasonable practices can help save a considerable amount of water and money every year. Judicious use of water resources is necessary to ensure that the earth has adequate potable water for the ever-increasing population.

When we talk about reducing water usage at the residential level, there are lots of options available n the market. A household that uses efficient appliances helps reduce significant water loss and ensures a reduction in water usage. 

It is the time when consumers should be trained and educated to make them aware of water shortage in the coming years. This will surely help to change the habits of the common people to use less water.

Make the decision to help Mother Earth by conserving water and making our environment fitter for our future generation.

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